Key Contacts
Here you will find key contacts for your enquires.
BID Enquiries
Stratford Original Business Improvement District
c/o Us & Co. 11 Burford Road, Stratford, E15 2ST
Contact us for anything relating to BID projects, services, campaigns, or queries.
📞 020 8555 7065
✉️ info@stratfordoriginal.com
BID Levy Enquiries
For BID levy bill or payments enquiries, you should contact Liverpool City Council’s Non-Domestic Rates (NDR) team who collect the BID levy on our behalf.
Our Ambassador
Crimestoppers is an 100% anonymous way to report crimes. It’s an independent charity working to help communities. Crimestoppers can be reached via telephone or through an online form.
📞 0785 2302397
✉️ michael.oloyede@stratfordoriginal.com
Safer Business Network
Working with businesses, Newham Council and the Metropolitan Police to make Straford a safer place. If you are a member of Safer Business Network, please report all business crime related issues to the BCRP team.
✉️ mohammed.qazi@saferbusiness.org.uk
📞 07552 803839
📱 Alert! app
For a crime that is in progress, when someone is in immediate danger or experiencing a life threatening emergency and is in need of an ambulance, the fire brigade or police.
📞 999
Report a Crime
- A crime that has occurred and the suspect has left.
- Crime and anti-social behaviour.
- Rough sleeping and begging.
📞 101
Crimestoppers is an 100% anonymous way to report crimes. It’s an independent charity working to help communities. Crimestoppers can be reached via telephone or through an online form.
📞 0800 555 111
Reporting Anti-social Behaviour, Fly-tipping and Graffiti
You can report Anti-Social Behaviour and noise complaints directly to Newham. Please report any fly posting and graffiti to Newham Council through their online forms. They will respond to any reports of racist or offensive graffiti urgently.
Newham Community Safety Enforcement
Newham Community Safety Enforcement work closely with residents and businesses to create a safe, clean, and enjoyable environment for everyone in Newham. If you have any concerns or issues to report related to street enforcement or community safety, including street anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping or graffiti, you can report incidents directly to them.
📞 0208 430 2000
If you’re suspicious of something that could identify as a terrorist threat anywhere in the UK, report it using the Met Police’s quick and confidential online tool to report possible terrorist activity, or call the Anti-Terrorism Hotline.
📞 0800 789 321