Why are you updating the Local Plan?
We are updating our Local Plan so we can plan for the next 15 years and respond to our key challenges of delivering inclusive growth, supporting the Covid-19 recovery and responding to our climate emergency.
Through this refresh we are also considering the part of the borough where the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) currently makes decisions on planning applications. The LLDC’s role is due to end by 2024 and we are working with the LLDC so that this new Local Plan can include policies for the whole borough, in time for the handover date.
Why should people get involved?
The Plan helps the Council makes major decisions that affect you, such as:
- What type of homes does Newham need and where should we build them?
- Where should our high streets and shops be located and what should they look like?
- How should we protect our local heritage, community facilities, and places of worship?
- How do we improve air quality and green the borough?
You know best what it is like to live, grow up and work in Newham, which is why the Local Plan Refresh needs your expertise on the issues that are important to you and your ideas on how to solve them.
How can people get involved?
Issues and Options – read our consultation document and provide us with your feedback, sign up for one of our workshops or find out more about our travelling information stalls.
Integrated Impact Assessment Scoping Report – read the Scoping Report and comment on how we propose to assess the impact of Local Plan policies on sustainable development, equalities and health and wellbeing.
Call for Sites – submit land or buildings in Newham you think could be redeveloped between now and 2038.
Statement of Community Involvement – read our new Statement of Community Involvement and comment on how we propose to involve you in planning matters in Newham.